by Lawrence Wilson, MD RECOMMENDED SIMPLE SAUNA: SAUNA BOX: FAR vs NEAR INFRARED SAUNA: As a holistic physician, I am ever searching for better ways to heal the body that are safe, inexpensive, and powerful enough to handle today’s health disasters. Over the past four years, I have incorporated infrared lamp saunas […]
Far Infrared vs Near Infrared Saunas
by Lawrence Wilson, MD Significant differences exist between any far infrared sauna versus a near infrared lamp sauna. Before we explore them, it is necessary to emphasize that the near infrared heat lamps can be added to many far infrared saunas to gain the advantages the lamps provide. Here the some major differences between […]
Instructions And Cautions For Use Of A Single Red Heat Lamp
By Lawrence Wilson, MD A single reddish 250-watt “heat lamp”, which is really a near infrared lamp, is an excellent healing device. Among the simple treatments, this one excels. This article details how to use it, and cautions that one must observe for its safe and effective use. SINGLE LAMP PROTOCOL Clamp the […]
Infrared Lamp Sauna Electrical Unit Plans
by Lawrence Wilson, MD Essentially, one builds an electrical unit consisting of three infrared heat lamps mounted on a piece of wood or other material. You can then place this unit in a sauna enclosure of your choice, or even in a small bathroom or small closet. The simplest enclosure is a frame covered […]