Who can benefit from a program?
If you are looking for a fast cure that will require no participation your part, then this program is not for you. Nutritional Balancing is a long term program that slowly and naturally supports your body in releasing layers of accumulated adaptations to achieve a state of True Balance. This program requires your active participation and determination. In short, you get out what you put in. This article is not meant to discourage anyone; our intention is to give you all the information before you get started to not waste your time or money. If you would like more information please contact us to set up a free initial consultation call before beginning a program.
We recommend starting the program slowly, and incorporating changes as you are able in order to truly make them stick. This is by no means a sprint, and we know it can take a while to adjust to a new rhythm.
Main requirements for the program:
1. Eating a rather simple diet of mainly cooked vegetables, some animal protein daily, a little whole grain, and some raw dairy products if you tolerate them. The diet excludes all fruit, all sugar, all wheat and spelt, and all soy products.
2. Drinking two to three liters (three quarts) of spring water or carbon-only filtered tap water daily.
3. Following a healthful lifestyle, we suggest only a little gentle exercise, and instead focus on more rest and sleep.
4. Taking 8-10 nutritional supplements at least twice each day, or preferably three times daily.
5. If possible, doing the optional detoxification procedures daily. These are the coffee enema, near infrared lamp sauna sessions, rubbing the feet, twisting the spine, the Roy Masters exercise and drinking 10-12 ounces of carrot juice daily.
6. All this must be done in accordance with our specific written instructions and explanatory information. We do not recommend combining Nutritional Balancing programs with other vitamin, mineral, herb, or homeopathic programs. Prescription medical drugs can be combined with the program if they are needed. Many can be discontinued after a few weeks or months on a nutritional balancing program and as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
This is by no means a closed list, however we have noticed many of these qualities in those most successful with the program:
Open-minded. The program is somewhat unusual, compared to most healing regimens.
Determined. The program requires some work and time on your part. Learning to do the diet and the procedures may also take a little time and effort. For best results, the program involves enemas, sauna sessions and foot rubs that some people find dirty or repulsive. One must be willing to try these, and most people love them after a time.
Willing to follow guidance, or have faith. The program is complex, integrated and powerful. If one just does a little of it, and adds other things to it, it usually does not work well at all. What you do not do is just as important as what you do. In particular, the diet is most important.
Honesty with yourself and your practitioner. This is important because when retracing or healing reactions occur, we need to know exactly what you are doing in order to advise you properly. Some people do not want to say what they are eating, or which parts of the program they do. This causes many problems.
Determination and being all in
While questioning and doubt are healthy practices to have, once you are on the program and understand it, we ask for you to be all in. If you feel drawn to other therapies, try those first and see if they work for you. Avoid wasting time and energy seeking other methods or therapies and give the one you have committed to a real chance. Establishing a good relationship with your practitioner and trusting the science are key in order to get past resistances, fears and in some cases past traumas that the program will bring up.
Nutritional Balancing goes deep and often causes “housecleaning” to occur, while uncomfortable, these reactions are very good. Dr. Wilson has never needed to send anyone to the emergency room in 34 years. However, symptoms can occur, and blood, urine and even x-ray tests are often temporarily skewed while the body is going through Purification Reactions. These are part of any properly set up nutritional balancing program, and one must learn to recognize them, relax and move through them, with our help.
How badly do you want it?
Yes doing coffee enemas can seem daunting at first. Eating cooked vegetables can seem boring or difficult to some. Taking supplements daily can also be seen as a chore. But ultimately, the question really is, how badly do you want change? You know what you feel like now and can probably imagine what you will feel like in 10, 20, 30 years if you follow the same path. So how inconvenient are these recommendations when you look at the bigger picture?
To be quite honest most prefer the healthy lifestyle and enjoy the detoxification procedures and even look forward to them once they give them a real chance. The program helps one remove stress from one’s life by helping to empower them and make better choices that can be applied for the rest of one’s life. The determination and self-discipline needed are as much part of the program as the supplements or the diet. Nutritional Balancing works on multiple levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As one progresses on the program one will come to realize how beautifully interconnected these are.