Excerpt from Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis
By Lawrence Wilson, MD
The story of Emily is a good illustration of a typical child’s development. Her parents, unlike many, were emotionally ready for a child, but her mother’s body chemistry was far out of balance, as are most today. Most young women are deficient in calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and other vital nutrients. Their bodies are also high in copper and a dozen or so toxic metals. Their general vitality, even at age 20, is often dreadful. Most standard and holistic tests will not reveal this. Most young women also do not eat nearly enough cooked vegetables, and too many eat on the run. Most also drink impure tap water, do not sleep and rest enough, breathe impure air all day long, do not breathe deeply enough, and some work far too long hours to be healthy.
Calcium deficiency begin. Just a few hours after conception, Emily’s body calls for calcium. However, her mother rarely consumes certified raw dairy products, carrot juice or some other excellent source of calcium. Also, mother doesn’t know she is pregnant so she is not taking a calcium supplement. Pasteurized and homogenized dairy products are not nearly as good sources of calcium. As a result, within hours of conception, Emily is already low in calcium, which will slow her development a little.
Three days later, Emily has an important need for zinc. However, her mother’s diet is low in zinc and too high in copper. Instead of zinc, Emily reluctantly must accept copper in place of the zinc on certain enzymes. It keeps Emily growing, but Emily will be a nervous, moody child as a result.
Alcohol. The next evening, mom and dad go to a party and mom can’t resist a small glass of the finest wine, so she is told. However, it is not healthful at all because it contains alcohol, a highly toxic substance for growing babies. It may also contain toxic sulfites used as preservatives, and pesticide residues from the sprays used on the grapes. Just one glass of wine at this critical moment in Emily’s development totally stops her brain from growing for a few hours. This sets her back significantly, since there is much to do in the next eight months or so. The following day, Emily’s system cries out for extra B-complex vitamins, magnesium and zinc, among other nutrients, to rid the body of the alcohol and chemical residues. Few people realize that alcohol and most food chemicals and metals pass right through the placenta from mother to child.
Smoking. The next weekend, mother finds out she is pregnant. She and dad go out for a nice meal to celebrate. However, they sit near a man who is smoking a cigarette. This is disastrous for Emily. The second-hand smoke leaves Emily’s tiny body with many more toxic chemicals and heavy metals for the rest of her life. Even if she tries to detoxify later, these toxic metals will be deeply buried in her newly forming brain and elsewhere, making it very difficult to dislodge them. Emily is lucky, however, because her mother is not ill or unhappy, doesn’t have to work long hours, sleeps almost enough and is not exposed to severe toxins at work or at home. Millions of developing babies are not so lucky.
Birth with drugs. Soon it is time for Emily’s first ultrasound. Neither her mother, the doctor or technician realize how this affects Emily. The high frequency sonar waves are, in fact, quite objectionable to Emily, but what can she do? This common test is best done as few times as absolutely needed to monitor pregnancy. The next step is birth, a difficult time at best for babies and perhaps the most traumatic time in their lives. Birthing practices have at least become cleaner, but in Emily’s case the doctor on call is in a hurry, so drugs are used to speed up labor. Emily is not really ready to be born, and the drugs numb her and force her to be born a few days early. This will also leave its scars on her body, particularly her nervous system, for the rest of her life.
Formula and vaccines. After birth, instead of her mother’s warm breast, she is given a toxic brew called formula that instantly makes her sensitive digestive tract inflamed and sets back her development of this part of her body by days to weeks. Before she goes home, she receives a hepatitis B vaccine, although the chance of exposure to hepatitis are almost zero for a well-cared for baby. The vaccine contains mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, benzene or other poisons to thoroughly disrupt Emily’s nervous system for weeks or longer. She is lucky, however, because many other children end up autistic as a result of all the toxins in vaccines. This is how life begins for most babies in the Western world. In fact, Emily is much better off than many, whose mothers have no husband, who live on very poor food, and who may smoke cigarettes or marijuana, and drink much more alcohol.
Today most babies also have to contend with mothers who use toxic over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and toxic skin care products such as perfumes, deodorants and hair spray. Most babies are also exposed to many toxic home products such as pesticides, slightly toxic soaps, detergents and others. Please re-read this story many times as there is so much to learn about healthful pregnancy that this book can only touch upon. Another volume is needed to teach how to live in order to have a healthy and wholesome pregnancy experience.
Nutritional Balancing is an advanced healing program designed to precisely assess and monitor the biochemistry of the body, creating a tailored Wholistic program for each individual to create long-term health and restore the body and mind to its full potential.
This deep healing approach also removes dozens of toxic metals, hundreds of toxic chemicals, numerous latent and chronic infections, and many hidden mental and emotional blockages through gentle detoxification in the body’s own natural order. Learn more about this and many other benefits of Nutritional Balancing Science.