by Lawrence Wilson, MD
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Why in the world would someone want to take coffee in an enema?
I asked this question over 30 years ago when Dr. William Kelley, DDS, suggested as part of his cancer regimen that I do daily coffee enemas. In spite of skepticism, I went ahead with them, and when I got over the initial disgust, messiness and other resistance, I quickly saw the benefits of coffee enemas.
When Performed Properly, Coffee Enemas can:
Heal the colon.
Remove many toxins from the liver and colon and rebuild the liver.
Often reduce headaches and other body pain.
Reduce and get rid of many symptoms of general toxicity. Since toxicity is the cause of dozens of common symptoms from arthritis to cancer, coffee enemas help with many, if not most diseases and conditions.
Help with depression, confusion, general nervous tension, and often from allergies and severe pain, as well.
Increase mental clarity, improve energy levels, increase joy and happiness, improve digestion, reduce anger, and more.
Enabled clients to get through difficult healing and purification reactions.
At least three dozen clients have confided to me that “coffee enemas saved my life”. I have recommended coffee retention enemas to more than thirty thousand people. I have yet to hear about horrible side effects of any kind, although the procedure is somewhat inconvenient, especially at first. Most people get used to it quickly. The coffee retention enema is really quite simple, very safe when done properly, highly effective, able to be done in the privacy of your home, and inexpensive.
A coffee enema is an ancient herbal and folklore hydrotherapy procedure. It consists of filling an enema bag or bucket with a mixture of about 2 to 4 cups of filtered or distilled water, and 1/2 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons of boiled or percolated coffee. One filters the coffee grounds before putting the liquid in the enema bag. One then places this mixture in the colon and retains it for about 15 minutes. At this time, the liquid is expelled into the toilet.
Most practitioners just recommend inserting the standard enema tip into the rectum lubricated with a little petroleum jelly, and then implanting the coffee, usually while lying on one’s back. Some, however, suggest using a 30-inch colon tube connected to the enema tip. One first inserts the colon tube all the way into the rectum, and then attaches the enema tip to the protruding end of the colon tube. The reasoning here is that this forces the water and coffee mixture to go all around the colon. Most doctors do not require this step, which is much more troublesome in some cases in which the colon is twisted or otherwise deformed.
During the procedure, one may massage the abdomen for an enhanced mechanical cleansing effect of the enema. For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is repeated at least daily, and up to about three times each day, often for several years to detoxify the liver and help heal the entire body. Dr. Gerson used the coffee enema 6 times daily or every four hours. This does not appear to be necessary today, in our experience, when the procedure is combined with a properly designed nutritional balancing program.
Technically, the coffee enema is a coffee implant and a retention enema.
This means that one implants or applies the coffee herb into the colon, and the procedure is to retain the coffee mixture for 15-20 minutes.
Also on a more technical level, the procedure may be said to be a form of liver dialysis. Dialysis is a method of enhancing detoxification of an organ by physical or manual means. The coffee enema is very specific for the liver, and greatly enhances detoxification in the liver.
Ancient history
The coffee bean and plant have been part of herbal medicine, folk medicine and shamanic healing for thousands of years. It is particularly well understood by the native tribes of South America, where coffee began to be cultivated many thousands of years ago. It was known as a potent liver remedy, and given particularly to the elderly and to those who were infirm or ill in the liver. This is important because today almost everyone has a toxic liver, thanks to our chemicalized modern world, the proliferation of toxic metals on the planet due to industrialization and burning of fossil fuels, and due to other factors as well.
Enemas in the biblical Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Essene Gospel Of Peace, Book 1 is a small book that was rediscovered by the eminent biblical scholar, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. He found it in the Vatican library and translated it into English in 1937. The text is from the famed Dead Sea Scrolls, manuscripts that describe the healing miracles of Jesus, but were only discovered in the twentieth century near the Dead Sea. This text discusses how Jesus healed people using simple methods such as food, water, air and sunshine. The following is a quote from pages 15 and 16:
“Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible uncleannesses and abominations.
“So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river’s foam sporting in the sunlight.
“Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels.
“Afterwards, rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all of your past sins, and pray to the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease.
“Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these.”
Modern history of coffee enemas
Some of the following was extracted from an article in Healing Newsletter, NL#13, May-June, 1986 by Gar Hildenbrand:
“The coffee enema may have been first used in modern Western nations as a pain reliever. As the story goes, during World War I nurses kept coffee pots on the stove all day long. The battle surgeons and others drank it to stay awake while working horrendously long hours. Enema bags hung around as some patients needed help moving their bowels.
There was a severe shortage of pain medications. So they were forced to save the pain drugs for surgical procedures with little or none for follow-up after surgery. When surgical patients woke up from operations without the benefit of further morphine injections they would scream in pain and agony from the surgery, and they would be constipated as well from the anesthesia drugs. For the constipation, a nurse was preparing an enema for constipation. Instead of fetching water for the enema, she accidentally dumped some cool coffee into the patient’s enema bag, undid the release clamp, and into the patient it flowed. “I’m not in so much pain,” the poor soldier said. It was a coffee enema moment in history. Thus began the use of coffee enemas to help control pain.”
Indeed, the coffee enema procedure was, until about 45 years ago, mentioned in the famous Merck Manual used as a handbook by physicians the world over.
The man who popularized coffee enemas more than any other in modern times was Dr. Max Gerson, MD, author of A Cancer Therapy-Results of 50 Cases (1958). Dr. Gerson pioneered nutritional therapy for cancer and other diseases with amazing results. His therapy combined coffee enemas with a special diet, juices and a few other nutritional supplements. The enemas were an integral part of the therapy.
More recently, Dr. William Donald Kelley used them extensively in his metabolic cancer therapy. He wrote about their benefits and importance in a small book entitled One Answer To Cancer (1969, 1999).
The intestine has two circulatory systems attached to it. One system supplies the intestines with blood for maintenance of the intestinal tissues. The other system is called the portal system. It is a critical body system that draws all of the absorbed nutrients from the intestines out of that area and sends them directly to the liver.
In other words, when you eat food, it does not go into the bloodstream, as everyone thinks. Only a tiny part of it does, which is the nutrients that are absorbed in the mouth, esophagus and stomach. All the rest of the nutrients go into the portal system and go to the liver, not the general bloodstream.
So when a coffee enema is taken, the coffee goes directly to the liver through the colon wall. Coffee has a special affinity for the liver, and moving it there from the colon is very different than sending it to the liver by drinking it. When coffee is ingested by mouth, it is digested by the stomach acids, mainly, and most of its herbal medicine properties are destroyed.
Coffee taken by mouth is still helpful as a smooth muscle relaxant and dilator, causing it to be somewhat laxative and relaxing to the nervous system. However, its other properties that are used in the coffee retention enema, which are discussed below, are destroyed by the stomach acids and enzymes. This is why the rectal method of application is so needed and drinking coffee is mostly a waste of time.
Herbal properties of coffee when taken rectally or perhaps when applied as a poultice over the liver.
This is an important subject, as it is really the basis for the use of the coffee retention enema. Coffee applied as an herb to the liver has the following amazing properties:
1. An astringent herb. This is an herbal property that means it peels the top layer of skin or mucous membrane. This is helpful for some healing, as the top layer of skin or mucous membrane is often ready to come off anyway, and is loaded with toxins. So it is like cleaning the surface layer of the mucous membrane of the colon and the liver as well.
2. Caffeine effects. These are complex. Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant, but a mild one, relatively speaking, and not as toxic as most of them. This stimulating action upon the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system helps “wake up” the body in some way that appears to be quite beneficial.
Too much caffeine, however, is not helpful and just acts as a stimulant. For this reason, the recent habit in the West of drinking very strong coffees such as cappuccinos and lattes is harmful in the extreme, by the way. The habit derives from the old Turkish coffee style of making coffee so strong it is almost like drinking mud. Those who do this are not healthy, and the caffeine and other toxins in the coffee build up in the liver and elsewhere, damaging health. The nervous system eventually is ruined by this habit.
Roasting the coffee bean reduces its caffeine content, and this is why we prefer the darker roasted coffees, the best seem to be from Columbia, South America, and always organically grown. Coffee from other nations such as Hawaii (Kona, in most cases), or Africa (Morocco, for example), or China, for example, do not seem to be quite as good, although they will work fine. Organically grown is important, however, as many toxic pesticides are used on the coffee plantations today. I hope this will stop, but for now try to find organically grown coffee for your retention enemas and if you make a coffee poultice over the liver. The procedure for this is at the end of this article.
Fortunately, caffeine is not that toxic, and it is easily removed from the body after the coffee retention enema is completed.
3. Other chemicals in coffee. Coffee also contains powerful anti-oxidant chemicals. These are particularly helpful for the liver, which is highly subject to oxidant damage. Unlike common antioxidants such as vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, selenium, zinc, vitamins A and E, the antioxidants in coffee are far more yang in Chinese medical terminology. This is a great advantage today because the bodies are already too yin and adding more antioxidants makes the problem much worse. Some day, the holistic, naturopathic and others who use antioxidants will realize this and stop recommending so many of them.
Nutritional balancing and coffee retention enemas also reduce the need for antioxidants because they can remove the oxidant sources. This is far better than giving antioxidants. The oxidant sources are oxidized minerals including iron, copper, manganese and aluminum, among others. These are described in detail in the article entitled Iron, Manganese and Aluminum – The Amigos on the Center for Development website.
Coffee has many other subtle herbal remedies in it, including solvents, alkaloids, bitters, and others. This is a more technical subject and not that important, in that herbal doctors know that coffee works well for the liver, along with herbs such as dandelion and milk thistle. Other herbs such as burdock root also work, but are more toxic, for which reason we use them less often.
Dr. Peter Lechner, who conducted a trial of the Gerson cancer therapy in the post surgical treatment of liver metastasized colorectal cancers under the aegis of the Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, reported in 1984 “Coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope.”
“The editors of Physiological Chemistry and Physics stated “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.”
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, researchers in the lab of Lee Wattenberg identified salts of palmitic acids (kahweol and cafestolpalmitate) in coffee as potent enhancers of glutathione S-transferase, a major detoxification system that catalyzes the binding of a vast variety of electrophiles from the blood stream to the sulfhydryl group of glutathione. Because the reactive ultimate carcinogenic forms of chemicals are electrophiles, the glutathione S-transferase system must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification.
“In mice, this system is enhanced 600% in the liver and 700% in the small bowel when coffee beans are added to their diet. Because this system in lab models is close, if not directly analogous to that of humans, a parallel stimulation by coffee of glutathione S-transferase in humans is probable.”
Dr. Max Gerson, MD, the major proponent of the coffee enema in the Western world, wrote that:
“Heubner and Meyer of Goettingen University, Germany had shown in animal models that rectal administration of caffeine would dilate bile ducts and promote bile flow. The introduction of a quart of coffee solution into the colon will dilute portal blood and subsequently, the bile. Theophylline and theobromine, major constituents of coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The palmitates of coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase which is responsible for the removal of many toxic radicals from serum. Finally, the fluid of the enema itself stimulates the visceral nervous system, promoting peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum out through the rectum.
Because the stimulating enema is retained for 15 minutes, and because all the blood in the body passes through the liver nearly every three minutes, these enemas represent a form of dialysis of the blood across the gut wall.
The coffee enema, as explained above, is a form of dialysis. This is an important medical and herbal concept. Dialysis means a flushing process that does not occur naturally, but must be aided or assisted manually. The coffee retention enema is a type of dialysis, and must be recognized as such, and nothing less. Otherwise, it will never be accepted widely, as it needs to be.
Most people are familiar with kidney dialysis. It is used to remove toxins from the kidneys and from the entire body, assisting the kidneys to last longer when they do not work well.
Liver dialysis, however, is less well known and understood.
Liver dialysis is needed today because most people’s livers are so congested, toxic and damaged they do not work well. This is not obvious to most people, who accept their low energy, bad breath, foul gas, acne and other skin problems, bloated stomachs, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, parasites, and many cancers and other illnesses as “normal aging”. It is not normal aging! It is sickness, and almost all Western people suffer from it to one degree or another.
While kidney dialysis requires a fancy machine, liver dialysis with the coffee enema is an herbal and natural type that is somewhat inconvenient, but much more widely available and less costly, and yet very effective and in fact much safer than kidney dialysis.
Coffee as a beverage. It should be obvious in light of the above that taking coffee orally cannot have the same effect. To the contrary, drinking coffee virtually insures that one will reabsorb toxic bile because the dialysis or flushing effect does not occur. Drinking it mixes it with foods, which dilutes the effect, and as stated earlier, drinking coffee causes most of its medicinal properties to be destroyed in the stomach. A little is absorbed directly from the mouth, but otherwise it is wasted.
A unique medicinal plant. As a medication, the coffee enema is in a class by itself. While other agents classed as cholereticsincrease bile flow from the liver, they do little to enhance detoxifying enzyme systems, and they do not ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum. Bile is normally reabsorbed up to 9 or 10 times before working its way out the intestines in feces.
The enzyme enhancing ability of the coffee enema is unique among choleretics. Because it does not allow as much reabsorption of toxic bile by the liver across the gut wall, it is a powerful means of detoxifying the blood stream through existing enzyme systems in the liver and small bowel. Because clinical practice has shown coffee enemas to be well tolerated by patients when used as frequently as every four hours, the coffee enema may be classed as one of the only repeatable, non-reabsorbed, and effective choleretics in the medical literature.”
The colon is one of the sickest organs of the body, if not the most sick, in many people today. Everyone needs to pay attention to this. The reasons are quite simple. They include poor quality food, lack of fiber in many cases, the use of medical drugs such as antibiotics and many others that damage the flora in the colon or the colon itself, hundreds of damaging chemical additives in foods, hurried lifestyles that do not allow enough rest and relaxation, ignoring the call of nature to relieve the bowels, parasitic infections that are common, yeast infections, other infections, nervous tension and fear. Fruit-eating, sadly, is one of the biggest causes of problems today, in part because it allows the growth of yeasts in the intestines, and because it is yin, which expands the colon and impairs its activity.
Effects of enemas and colonic irrigation, in general. The effect of any enema or colon cleansing procedure is to stimulate the colon, by dilating a little, and often by altering its temperature somewhat – either making it a little hotter or a little colder. Also, there is a tactile stimulation as well. The overall effect is to increase peristalsis and cause the colon to become active, emptying its contents more completely. This is the basic mechanical effect of any enema procedure.
Other effects of all enemas are to help clean out pockets of impacted food residue, and clean out pockets of worms and parasites. Many clients comment upon the crawling or dead creatures that show up in the toilet after a coffee enema. Some send them to me in plastic bags for my inspection!
Another effect of the enema, when not overdone, is to tone the muscles of the colon wall. I often hear comments that coffee enemas will cause dependence and a loose colon and constipation. The exact opposite is true, when done correctly! Most cases of constipation clear up. The coffee retention enema must be combined with a diet high in cooked vegetables, no fruit whatsoever, limited carrot juice and no fruit juices, no other sweets, no wheat, and no vegetarian diets. A few supplementary nutrients must be given to rebuild the body. Also, one must drink between 2 and 3 quarts of spring or carbon-only filtered water each day. When this is done, along with a healthful lifestyle and plenty of rest, the coffee enema is excellent to rebuild the colon wall, clean out the pockets of diverticuli, and tone the entire system.
Two common colonic procedures are the coffee retention enema, or coffee liver dialysis procedure, as it really should be called, and what is called a colonic irrigation. The difference is the amount of water used, the time required, and the coffee.
Colonic irrigation advantages and disadvantages. A typical colonic irrigation involves repeatedly placing up to several gallons of filtered water in the colon until it all comes out clean. This takes about an hour, and usually requires the services of a skilled person. Some colon hydrotherapists add oxygen, probiotics, or even coffee to the colonic irrigation water, but most use just plain water, which works well for the purpose intended. The therapist usually massages the colon when the water is inside to help it reach all the pockets and areas of the colon.
In contrast, a typical coffee enema only involves one to four cups of water, in most cases. Some people repeat the procedure, but it still involves very little water and not continuous flushing and massage of the colon.
This colonic irrigation procedure, when done well, has the advantage of introducing large quantities of water into the colon, flushing it very completely. This is superb for eliminating colonies of yeast, for example, parasites, and impacted food residues. We like these when the colon is very diseased or constipation is longstanding.
Disadvantages of the colonic irrigation are its cost, time required, inconvenience, and some slight removal of intestinal flora and perhaps electrolyte imbalances that it causes due to the large volume of water used.
The benefits of the coffee retention implant or enema are many. Some have been discussed above. However, there are many others that are listed below. Some are rather remarkable and interesting to ponder, and include:
- Coffee antidotes or negates many harmful vibrations or frequencies of illness in the body. This unusual trait of coffee, not shared by any other herbs or remedies, is very well known in the science of homeopathy. Patients are often told by homeopathic practitioners never to drink coffee, as it can negate the effects of any vibrational remedies, of which homeopathic ones are an example. This is a very important reason for using coffee enemas, although it is somewhat esoteric. The coffee seems able to upset and undo harmful subtle energies in the human system in a way that no other plant can do. Repeated use of the coffee implant undoes these vibrational frequencies at deeper and deeper levels each time the procedure is used.
- Increased alkalinity of the intestinal tract. This is due to enhanced bile flow, most likely. It is important because bile has many antiseptic, digestive and other functions. Increasing the alkalinity of the small intestine makes it much less hospitable for parasites, in particular, but also help destroy many other types of infections in the small intestines.
- Reduced toxicity in the body through the elimination of retained fecal matter that usually putrefies, rots or ferments.
- Coffee has a strong affinity for and astringent action upon the colon and colonic mucosa. This property has been discussed above.
- Improved digestion. This is due to enhanced bile flow, and by killing harmful micro-organisms and parasites in the intestines, and perhaps other mechanisms such as alkalinizing the small bowel.
- Enemas, in general, and the coffee enema in particular, can help stimulate, balance and clear many reflex points that run from the colon segments to every organ and tissue of the body. This is not well known, but is true. An excellent description with diagrams and other fascinating information about these reflexes is found in the textbook, The Science And Practice of Iridology by Dr. Bernard Jensen.
- In acupuncture terms, enhanced liver meridian activity and balancing the large intestine meridian. Technically, introducing water and coffee into the colon weakens the large intestine meridian somewhat. This can enhance the liver meridian, according to acupuncture theory. Commonly, the liver is weak and the large intestine meridian is often overstimulated or overactive due to the presence of toxins in the large bowel. Even if it is not overactive, the effect of the coffee enema, in terms of acupuncture meridians, is to enhance the energy of the liver/gall bladder meridian to some degree.
- Nutritional effects – selenium. Coffee contains a needed form of selenium, a vital mineral needed by almost everyone today. Few foods contain this particularly necessary compound, which is not well-absorbed by mouth, but is better absorbed through the rectum. This is a primary reason for the enzymatic activity of coffee upon liver detoxification pathways. This needs to be researched further, as I do not have more confirmation of this fact other than our observations.
- Nutritional effects – zinc. Coffee also contains a small amount of an important zinc compound. Once again, it is very needed today, and is not well absorbed by mouth, but is better absorbed rectally. This needs to be researched further, as I do not have more confirmation of this fact other than our observations.
- Protection against toxins in coffee. Coffee contains some toxic metals such as lead and cadmium. Also, ground coffee is often somewhat rancid, as it contains polyunsaturated oils that become rancid easily. However, it appears from our experience that when taken by rectum, these are not absorbed nearly as much as they are when coffee is taken through the mouth.
This occurs because the colon is designed to absorb nutrients, while filtering out and leaving behind toxic substances in the colon. This is the reason why drinking coffee is toxic, but coffee used in an enema is much less so. In fact, we have seen no toxicity from repeated coffee retention enemas, while those who drink coffee regularly always exhibit some toxicity from the beverage. - Downward motion. Retaining this enema for 15 minutes or so forces one to focus attention on keeping the anal sphincter shut tightly. This is an ancient technique to focus and move energy downward toward the pelvic floor and feet. This is helpful for most people, who need grounding and centering.
- Yang effect. Most people’s bodies today are too yin, in Chinese medical terms, especially those who are old or infirm. Yin means cold, expanded and usually it means ill. A problem with many drugs, natural remedies, vitamins, herbs and procedures such as surgery is that they make the body even more yin.
In contrast, coffee is a more yang substance, even though it grows in tropical climates. It becomes much more yang when roasted thoroughly, which we recommend. This also gets rid of some of the caffeine, a yin substance (although some caffeine appears necessary for the desired effects). This is a great advantage of this procedure over other herbal, natural and medical methods for cleansing the liver and colon.
The cumulative effect of daily coffee enemas is a yang or warming effect on most everyone, and this is extremely important today to regain and maintain health. The yang effect is due to a combination of the nutritional benefits of coffee, the bean itself, and the removal of yin toxins such as toxic metals and toxic chemicals from the body. To read more about this vital subject, read Yin and Yang Healing and Yin Disease on the Center for Development website. - Sympathetic relaxation. Coffee enemas cause relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system. This may seem odd, since coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. Possible reasons for relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system include: 1) stimulation of two important parasympathetic organs, the liver and the large intestine, 2) removal of irritating toxins from the body rapidly and thoroughly, 3) more subtle mechanisms that affect the nerve feedback in a way that inhibits the sympathetic nerves, 4) downward motion of energy. To learn more about the sympathetic nervous system and its importance, read Autonomic Nervous System Balancing on the center for development website.
- Increased glutathione activity. The compounds kahweol and cafestol found in coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase activity in the liver. This enzyme assists liver detoxification that neutralizes and helps remove a large variety of toxic compounds. This topic is discussed in more detail above.
- Improved hydration. While it may seem minor, this can be a major benefit of coffee retention enemas. Many people are quite dehydrated today. Reasons for this are 1) not drinking enough water, 2) drinking incorrect type of water such as reverse osmosis water, which does not appear to hydrate the body well, and 3) ingesting substances that tend to dehydrate the body, including all sugars, caffeine and alcohol. The addition of several cups of water in the enema improves this serious, but sometimes difficult to identify situation. Improved dehydration also greatly improves overall detoxification of the body and overall heatlh. For more on this subject, read Hydration on the Center for Development website.
- Improved root energy center activity. When one does a coffee enema, one must lock the root chakra or energy center. This is done by tightening the anal sphincter, which is necessary to retain the coffee solution. It is known in yoga and other ancient texts that locking the root chakra helps greatly to circulate etheric or subtle chi or energy in the body. While this is subtle, some people can feel the benefit of this practice.
- Yeast elimination from the colon, but this requires repeated enemas and perhaps more water. This is a wonderful benefit for some people whose colons are full of yeast. For this to occur, one must do several coffee implants back to back, putting in a total of about 2 quarts of water into the colon. It helps to rub the colon area of the abdomen vigorously to get the water to penetrate into the pockets of the colon to dislodge the yeast organisms. Adding some crushed garlic to the enema water may help this a little by a chemical mechanism.
- A form of quiet discipline and a concentration exercise. This may seem odd, but just lying down and holding the anal sphincter closed for 15 or so minutes is a form of concentration exercise that teaches discipline, relaxation, coordination and other mental traits that are helpful for most people.
Nutritional Balancing is an advanced healing program designed to precisely assess and monitor the biochemistry of the body, creating a tailored Wholistic program for each individual to create long-term health and restore the body and mind to its full potential.
This deep healing approach also removes dozens of toxic metals, hundreds of toxic chemicals, numerous latent and chronic infections, and many hidden mental and emotional blockages through gentle detoxification in the body’s own natural order. Learn more about this and many other benefits of Nutritional Balancing Science.