ONE WEEK IN 10 MINUTES OR LESS Having been on the program for several years, we are always on the look out for ways to help our clients integrate the program into their lives. Taking the right supplements is an essential part of a personalized program and we would like to suggest a simple tool […]
How to cut a Hair Sample for Hair Mineral Analysis
The requirements for getting an accurate representation of the present trace mineral levels from hair include taking a proper sample. Here is the correct procedure: HAIR PREPARATION Washing your hair: Make sure your hair has been washed before sampling it, preferably with a mild soap or with shampoo, within 24 to 48 hours. Using a conditioner […]
Why I prefer Hair Test to Blood Tests
by Dr. Paul Eck I prefer the use of hair test to blood tests because I feel they are more accurate indicators of the overall metabolic trends in the body. When you understand how the blood operates, you will see why I say this. Blood is a transportation medium. It is the “highway system” of […]